The Haags Orgel Kontakt is an organ in which the concert committees of the five most important organs in the city center of The Hague work together: the Grote Kerk, the Lutheran Church, the Kloosterkerk, the Jacobuskerk and the Gothic Hall. Due to the 25th anniversary of the Kontakt, a CD was released on which the organists associated with these locations (Ben van Oosten, Aart Berwerff, Jan Hage,
… Ton van Eck and Gert Oost) present 'their' organs. The composition of the program was of course determined by the Hague perspective. This is why 'forgotten pop music' from earlier times by Johann August Just (1750-1791) and Willem Frederik Gerard Nicolai (1829-1896) harmonize fraternally with liturgical music from later times by Folkert Grondsma, Adriaan Engels, Feike Asma and Willem Mude . Musical highlights are the "Quattro studi per organo" by Hendrik Andriessen and "Primal gestures" by Peter Adriaensz, with which the CD comes to an end in fits and starts. (HJ) _more