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A hundred million suns [+ bonus dvd]

Catalog no.:JK150297
Product:1 compact disc & 1 DVD video
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Released:October 2008
Total playing time:0:58:11
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
Snow Patrol made it to the top the old-fashioned way: through years of slogging and frying. When the success finally came, the band had grown into a tight-knit machine. That may explain the relative ease with which the Scots managed to perpetuate the success of their breakthrough album Final Straw (2004). Creative impasses, mutual friction, addictions and other excesses: none of this can be seenmore

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De speciale editie van Snow Patrols meest recente album bevat een dvd waarin de bandleden gevolgd worden tijdens het opnameproces.

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