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Johnny Coles

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Information sur l'artiste

Né à :Trenton, New Jersey,
Année de naissance :1926
Année du décès :1997


(source : Wikipédia)

John Coles (July 3, 1926 – December 21, 1997) was an American jazz trumpeter.
Coles was born in Trenton, New Jersey, on July 3, 1926. He grew up in Philadelphia and was self-taught on trumpet.
Coles spent his early career playing with R&B groups, including those of Eddie Vinson (1948–1951), Bull Moose Jackson (1952), and Earl Bostic (1955–1956). He was with James Moody from 1956 to 1958, and played with Gil Evans's orchestra between 1958 and... plus

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