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Carlo Savina

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Information sur l'artiste

Né à :Turijn,
Année de naissance :1919
Année du décès :2002


(source : Wikipédia)

Carlo Savina (2 August 1919 – 23 June 2002) was an Italian composer and conductor who composed, arranged, and conducted music for films, and is especially remembered for being the music director of films such as The Godfather (1972), Amarcord (1973), and The Bear (1988).
Savina worked with many of the notable film score composers of the 20th century including: Ennio Morricone, Armando Trovajoli, Nino Rota, Mario Nascimbene, Stanley Myers, Stephen Sondheim, Philippe Sarde, and Miklos Rozsa. His work ranged... plus

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