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Information sur l'artiste

Année de naissance :1943


(source : Wikipédia)

Ilaiyaraaja (born R. Gnanathesikan, 3 June 1943) is an Indian musician, composer, arranger, conductor, orchestrator, multi-instrumentalist, lyricist and singer, popular for his works in Indian cinema, prominently in Tamil and Telugu films. Reputed to be one of the most prolific composers in a career spanning over forty-seven years, he has composed over 7,000 songs and provided film scores for over 1,000 films, apart from performing in over 20,000 concerts. He is nicknamed "Isaignani" (the musical sage) and often... plus

Connu aussi comme

  • Ilayaraja
  • Ilaiyaraaja
  • Isaignani
  • Illayaraja

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