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Krzysztof Penderecki

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Geboren in:Dębica,


(bron: wikipedia)

Krzysztof Eugeniusz Penderecki (; 23 November 1933 – 29 March 2020) was a Polish composer and conductor. His best-known works include Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima, Symphony No. 3, his St Luke Passion, Polish Requiem, Anaklasis and Utrenja. His oeuvre includes four operas, eight symphonies and other orchestral pieces, a variety of instrumental concertos, choral settings of mainly religious texts, as well as chamber and instrumental works.
Born in Dębica, Penderecki studied music at Jagiellonian University and... meer

Ook bekend als

  • Krszystof Penderecki
  • Krszysztof Penderecki
  • Krzystof Penderecki
  • Krzysztof Pendereck
  • Krzyzstof Penderecki

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