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Amber Asylum

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(source: wikipedia)

Amber Asylum is a highly variable San Francisco-based music group that serves as a platform for composer, singer, and multi-instrumentalist Kris Force. The current lineup of Amber Asylum includes, in addition to Kris Force, Fern Lee Alberts (Deathgrave), Sarah Rosalena Brady and Becky Hawk (Laudanum). Other members and performers have included Steve Von Till (Neurosis), Annabel Lee, Martha Burns, long-time collaborator Jackie Perez Gratz (Grayceon/Giant Squid/Asunder), Erica Stoltz (Lost Goat, Sanhedrin), Wendy Farina, Lorraine Rath (The Gault/Worm Ouroboros), Sarah... more

Also known as

  • AmberAsylum

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