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Pandit Ajay Pohankar

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Pandit Ajay Pohankar

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(source: wikipedia)

Ajay Pohankar (born 24 February 1947) is an Indian classical vocalist belonging to Kirana Gharana school of Hindustani classical music.
Ajay Pohankar () was born in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh in a Deshastha Brahmin Marathi family, where his father was a lawyer. His first Guru was his mother Sushilabai Pohankar, a classical vocalist and a musicologist of Kirana gharana. At a young age of 11, Pohankar was invited to perform at the annual Sawai Gandharva Music Festival in Pune His... more

Also known as

  • Pt. Ajay Pohankar
  • Ajay Pohankar

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