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    Cantabile and other Baltic works for string orchestra ; baltic works for string orchestra ; vol.2 , Osterbottens Kamerorkest


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Cantabile and other Baltic works for string orchestra ; baltic works for string orchestra ; vol.2

Catalog no.:AFX1261
Product:1 compact disc
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Listing status:
Released:May 1995
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:1:04:29
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
Finlandia released part two with Baltic music for string orchestra by the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra conducted by Juha Kangas. Bronius Kutavicius is a contender of Arvo Pärt, Alfred Schnittke and Sofia Gubaidulina. His work is characterized by an aversion to all forms of socialist realism. Kutavici finds inspiration in archaic sources, such as traditional folk music. However, the processingmore


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