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Psalmen in de 18e eeuw

    Catalog no.:CLX1933
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:December 1996
    Rec. technique:DDD
    Total playing time:1:04:44
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    The Bible book with the 150 psalms has always played an important liturgical role. For example, monastic monks sang all 150 psalms every week for a long time! Under the influence of the reformer Johannes Calvin (1509-1564), the psalms for congregational singing were adapted, with melodies by Loys Bourgeois, among others. This way of singing psalms was adopted in the Netherlands with the help ofmore

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    Reichner-orgel (1786) - Oude Kerk Rijswijk


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