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Organworks Vol.1 ; organworks ; vol.1

Catalog no.:CLX6323
Product:1 compact disc
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Released:May 2024
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:1:16:35
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(This text has been automatically translated by DeepL)
What about Georg Böhm? It is one of those composers whose name you often come across in relation to the organ works of Buxtehude and Bach, but whose music is relatively unheard of. French organist Christophe Guida is eager to change that. Böham's compact and thus surveyable organ oeuvre falls roughly into three genres: praeludia, chorale preludes, fantasies and partitas. Regarding the latter genre,more

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Orgue Dominique Thomas (2015), Église Protestante Saint-Jean de Wissembourg


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