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Catalog no.:DCD0911
Product:1 DVD video
Order info:
Recording:Operavoorstelling, opgenomen op 2-3 juni 2000 in de Semperoper, Dresden
Sound format:PCM Stereo ; Dolby 5.0/5.1
DVD Region:
  • Region 0 (eg Netherlands).
TV standard:
  • NTSC
  • Color
Listing status:
Released:November 2009
Total playing time:2:36:00
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
The Persian monarch Serses is said to have interrupted a military campaign to adorn a shady plane tree with gold ornaments. This curious declaration of love inspired Handel to one of his most famous melodies: the aria Ombra mai fu, better known as the 'Largo of Handel'. The opera Serse (1738) was not a success. In London, the Italian opera was already almost dead. Handel tried to turn the tide bymore


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