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Christ the King : Collection of two feasts ; chants from the holy land ; vol.32

    Catalog no.:DJX0624
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    • Liturgy
    Listing status:
    Released:October 1999
    Rec. technique:DDD
    Total playing time:1:04:27
    Your rating:
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    30 seconds audio clips
    • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel I
      Performing artists
        • 1
          Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel I
      • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel II
        Performing artists
          • 2
            Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel II
        • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel III
          Performing artists
            • 3
              Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel III
          • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel IV
            Performing artists
              • 4
                Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel IV
            • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel V
              Performing artists
                • 5
                  Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel V
              • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel VI
                Performing artists
                  • 6
                    Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel VI
                • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel VII
                  Performing artists
                    • 7
                      Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel VII
                  • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel VIII
                    Performing artists
                      • 8
                        Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel VIII
                    • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel IX
                      Performing artists
                        • 9
                          Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel IX
                      • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel X
                        Performing artists
                          • 10
                            Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel X
                        • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel XI
                          Performing artists
                            • 11
                              Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel XI
                          • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel XII
                            Performing artists
                              • 12
                                Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel XII
                            • Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel XIII
                              Performing artists
                                • 13
                                  Selections from the Feast of St. John Bosco deel XIII
                              • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel I
                                Performing artists
                                  • 14
                                    Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel I
                                • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel II
                                  Performing artists
                                    • 15
                                      Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel II
                                  • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel III
                                    Performing artists
                                      • 16
                                        Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel III
                                    • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel IV
                                      Performing artists
                                        • 17
                                          Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel IV
                                      • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel V
                                        Performing artists
                                          • 18
                                            Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel V
                                        • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel VI
                                          Performing artists
                                            • 19
                                              Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel VI
                                          • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel VII
                                            Performing artists
                                              • 20
                                                Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel VII
                                            • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel VIII
                                              Performing artists
                                                • 21
                                                  Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel VIII
                                              • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel IX
                                                Performing artists
                                                  • 22
                                                    Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel IX
                                                • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel X
                                                  Performing artists
                                                    • 23
                                                      Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel X
                                                  • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel XI
                                                    Performing artists
                                                      • 24
                                                        Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel XI
                                                    • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel XII
                                                      Performing artists
                                                        • 25
                                                          Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel XII
                                                      • Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel XIII
                                                        Performing artists
                                                          • 26
                                                            Selections from the Feast of Christ the King deel XIII

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