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Caritas Dei diffusa est : Die Hochfeste Dreifaltigkeit, Fronleichnam, Herz Jesu, Christkönig und Kirchweihe im Gregorianischen Choral

    Catalog no.:DJX1188
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:March 2018
    Total playing time:1:13:03
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    This is a CD of a special series, in which the ancient Gregorian chant is sung from Graduale Novum, which was released in 2011. This is the result of many decades of work by a group of mainly German musicologists. They have looked again at the oldest sources of Gregorian chant. The result has been approved by the Vatican; this is therefore an official new edition for the Catholic Church. The methodmore


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