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    Istanbul : Dimitrie Cantemir - Le livre de la science de la musique et les traditions musicales Sépharades et Arméniennes , Hespèrion XXI


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Istanbul : Dimitrie Cantemir - Le livre de la science de la musique et les traditions musicales Sépharades et Arméniennes

    Catalog no.:EAX1640
    Product:1 super audio compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:November 2009
    Total playing time:1:12:52
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    Istanbul is a rich breeding ground for all kinds of music traditions, because different cultures come together. With Hesperion XXI Jordi Savall offers Ottoman court music from the seventeenth century, alternated with Armenian and Sephardic folk music. A manuscript by Dimitrie Cantemir, a Moldovan prince and lutenist, serves as the leitmotiv. This Kitāb-i 'Ilmu' l Mūzīkī (the book of musicology)more


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