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You See Me Laughin' [documentaire]

    Catalog no.:JAD0081
    Product:1 DVD video
    Order info:
    DVD Region:
    • Region 2 (Europe, The Netherlands)
    TV standard:
    • PAL
    • Color
    Listing status:
    Released:July 2005
    Total playing time:1:17:20
    Your rating:
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    Average:no ratings


    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    This documentary is a portrait of the artists who have found shelter with the acclaimed Fat Possum label. Old bluesmen like T. Model Ford, Cedell Davis and RL Burnside were taken from oblivion by the label and found a new audience, especially white fans of alternative garage rock. Jon Spencer, leader of the cult band Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, is a great admirer of these men and he worked closelymore


    30 seconds audio clips

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