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Ernie Henry

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Information sur l'artiste

Année de naissance :1926
Année du décès :1957


(source : Wikipédia)

Ernie Henry (September 3, 1926 – December 29, 1957) was an American jazz saxophonist.
Henry played in the late 1940s with Tadd Dameron (1947), Fats Navarro, Charlie Ventura, Max Roach, and Dizzy Gillespie (1948–49). From 1950 to 1952, he played in the band of Illinois Jacquet. After a few years in the shadows, he returned to play with Thelonious Monk (1956), Charles Mingus, Kenny Dorham, Kenny Drew, Wynton Kelly, Wilbur Ware, Art Taylor, Philly... plus

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