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    Complete fortepiano sonatas vol.6 ; complete fortepiano sonatas ; vol.6 , Tuija Hakkila



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Complete fortepiano sonatas vol.6 ; complete fortepiano sonatas ; vol.6

Catalog no.:CAX5343
Product:1 compact disc
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Released:January 1997
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:0:49:19
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
The sixth CD of a series in which the Finnish pianist Tuija Hakkila records all piano sonatas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. After her piano studies in Helsinki and Paris, Tuija Hakkila has focused on playing authentic instruments. In this project she plays a copy of a fortepiano built by Anton Walter shortly after 1780 (Mozart's concert instrument, which is now on display in the composer's birthplacemore


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