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    Piano, violin, viola, cello , Ensemble Avantgarde


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Piano, violin, viola, cello

Catalog no.:CJX12003
Product:1 compact disc
Order info:
  • MDG MDG 613 2309-2
Listing status:
Released:March 2024
Rec. technique:DDD
Total playing time:1:17:39
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(This text has been automatically translated by DeepL)
When it came to the nature of his late compositions, Morton Feldman liked to talk about "landscapes in time. At a lecture in Middelburg in the late 1980s, he said of this, "My pieces are not long, in fact most of them are too short. Analytically, my pieces may be long, but if you listen to them, they seem to belong to the landscape of time I bring.' This quote certainly holds true for Feldman's mostmore


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