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Lebendige Vergangenheit : Four famous Italian Baritones

    Catalog no.:DDX1546
    Product:1 compact disc
    Order info:
    Listing status:
    Released:June 1997
    Rec. technique:AAD
    Total playing time:1:06:12
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    (This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
    In the twenties and thirties, Italy produced a lot of beautiful baritones. Four of these baritones can now be heard together on one CD: Mario Basiola, Carlo Tagliabue, Gino Bechi and Tito Gobbi. It is interesting to hear such different talents in succession. Mario Basiola (1892-1965) is the least known of the four. He was a pupil of the famous singing teacher Antonio Cotogni, who also taught Benjaminomore


    30 seconds audio clips

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