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Don Carlo

Don Carlo

Don Carlo

Don Carlo

Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)


Het verhaal van Verdi’s opera Don Carlos is gebaseerd op een toneelstuk van Schiller. De Spaanse kroonprins Don Carlos zit vol frustraties omdat zijn vader Philip II getrouwd is met een jonge Franse prinses op wie Carlos al verliefd geworden was, Elizabeth. Hij besluit zich in te zetten voor de opstandelingen in Vlaanderen, aangemoedigd door zijn vriend Rodrigue. Philip belet hem echter keer opmore

Composer:Giuseppe Verdi

(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
Giuseppe Verdi, the son of an innkeeper, is considered the most important and most popular opera composer in Italy. Few composers have as well to find a balance between artistic ideals and commercial interests. Verdi is the composer of hits like La donna è mobile and Slavenkoor. He knew he always had to compose "something for the organ grinder," he wanted an opera was successful. He watched beforemore