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The Riemens Collection contains the LP collection of opera expert Leo Riemens (1910-1985). Riemens worked as an opera and television critic for De Telegraaf (a popular Dutch daily newspaper), published several books and wrote about classical music for various specialized magazines.

He became best known for his reference book Groot operaboek (first edition 1959 and updated several times), in which he gave extensive descriptions and discographies of 250 operas. A revised version of the Groot operaboek by Peter van der Spek appeared in 1993. Together with Karl-Josef Kutsch, Riemens also worked on the Großes Sängerlexikon (first version 1962) with biographies of vocalists from classical music. The book is now recognized as the standard reference book and is regularly updated.

After Riemens’ death in 1985, his collection of LPs was transferred to the Riemens Foundation and managed by the foundation Stichting Centrale Discotheek / Muziekweb. The collection consists of approximately 6400 LPs, which can not be borrowed. If you have questions about this collection or want to view LPs, you can contact Muziekweb.dood in 1985 is zijn verzameling lp’s overgedragen aan de Riemens Stichting en in beheer van de Stichting Centrale Discotheek/Muziekweb. De collectie bestaat uit ongeveer 6400 lp’s, die niet uitgeleend mogen worden. Hebt u vragen over deze collectie of wilt u lp’s bekijken dan kunt u contact opnemen met Muziekweb.

The complete list of Riemens albums in the Muziekweb collection can be viewed on this list (PDF).