Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns (, , ;) specifically mentioned in a review in 1844, the pronunciation with S is now very common in French, even among radio announcers. Saint-Saëns himself explained that he wanted his name to be pronounced like that of the town Saint-Saëns, which was pronounced without S at the end until about 1940–1950, as explained by Claude Fournier in his history of the town. The diaeresis on the e dates from a time when the e was not silent,... meer
Het orgel en het orkest zijn als keizer en paus, aldus een gevleugelde… meer
De elektronische muziekinstrumenten Ondes Martenot en Theremin… meer
Voor de klassieke homocomponisten was er geen Arie Boomsma om het… meer
Tegen 1850 was de rage rond de wals voorbij. De grote walscomponisten… meer