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Time flies... 1994-2009 [+ bonus dvd]

Catalog no.:JK161575
Product:3 compact discs & 1 DVD video
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Released:June 2010
Total playing time:3:32:05
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(This text has been automatically translated by Google translate)
In the 1990s, Oasis fought fiercely with Blur for the favor of Britpop fans. Where Blur released a new single in 2010 after years of radio silence, the most important news about Oasis a year earlier was the break with songwriter Noel Gallagher. After years of feuds with his brother Liam, he decided to really call it quits. For fifteen years Oasis was in the center of attention and the band scoredmore

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Luxe box bestaande uit de Time Flies-verzameling plus de dvd met alle video’s en nog een extra concert uit 2009.

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